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Saturday, 18 February 2017

Types of Communication:

Channels or Types of Communication:  

Communication may be classified into several categories on the following basis:

1.On the Basis of Organizational Structure or Relationship:
a.    Formal Communication
b.    Informal Communication or Grapevine.

2.On the Basis of Flow or Direction:
a.    Downward Communication  
b.    Upward Communication
c.    Horizontal or Lateral or Sideward Communication
d.    Diagonal Communication.

3.On the Basis of Methods or Media used or Expression:
a.    Written Communication
b.    Oral Communication
         c.    Gestural or Non-Verbal Communication.

(A)  On the Basis of Relationship or Organization Structure:

I)  Formal Communication: Formal communication is that which takes place through the formal channel of the organization structure deliberately and consciously established by the management. It implies the flow of the information along the lines of authority formally established in the enterprise. Members of the enterprise are expected to communicate with one another strictly as per channels laid down in the structure. Such communications are generally in writing and may take any of the following forms:
1.    Policy Manuals;
2.    Procedural and Rule Books;
3.    Memoranda Papers and Orders;
4.    Official Meeting;
5.  Interviews, etc
II) Informal Communication or Grapevine: Communication arising out of all those channels of communication that fall outside the formal channel is known as informal communication or the grapevine. It is built around the social relationship of members of the organization. Informal communication does not follow lines of authority as is the case of formal communication. It arises due to the personal needs of the members of an organization and exists in every organization. Such communication is usually oral and exists in even by simple glance ,gesture, smile or silence.

(B) On the Basis of Flow or Direction:

I) Downward Communication: Communication between a superior and subordinate is known as vertical communication. Vertical communication may be downward vertical communication or upward vertical communication. Downward communication means communication which flows from a superior to a subordinate.
The important examples of downward communication are:
1)    Notices
2)    Circulars
3)    Instructions
4)    Orders
5)    Letters
6)    Memos

II)Upward Communication: Upward communication means the flow of information from the lower levels of the organization to the higher levels of authority .It passes from subordinate to superior as that from worker to foreman, from foreman to manager, from manager to general manager and form general manager to the chief executive or the board of directors. It includes opinions, ideas, suggestions, complaints, grievances, appeals, reports, etc.

(III) Upward Communication is Needed:

1)    To create receptiveness of communication
2)    To create a sense of belongingness through active participation
3)    To evaluate the effectiveness of communication
4)    To increase morale of employees
5)    To make improvements in managerial decisions
6)    To co-ordinate efforts; and
7)    To know ideas of each individual in the organization.

(IV)The important examples of upward communication are:

1)    Reports
2)    Meeting
3)    Interview
4)    Conferences
5)    Letters
6)    Complaints.

(V) Horizontal, Lateral or Sideward Communication: The transmission of information and understanding between people on the same level of organization hierarchy is called the horizontal communication. This type of communication is also known as lateral or sideward or crosswise communication. Usually, it pertains to inter-departmental communication, i.e., the communication between two departmental managers working at the same level of organization or among subordinates working under one boss.

VI)     Diagonal Communication: The transfer of information between people who are neither in the same department nor on the same level of organization hierarchy is called diagonal communication. For example, when the assistant marketing manager communicates with the accounts clerk directly, it is the case of diagonal communication. This type of communication increases the organizational efficiency by speeding up information and cutting across departmental barriers.

C)   On the basis of media or expression:

The various media of communication have been studied as under:
1)    Written Communication;
2)    Oral Communication;
3)    Gestural or Non-verbal Communication.

1)    Written Communication: communication through words, may be in writing or oral. Written communication implies transmission of message in back and white it includes diagrams, pictures, graphs, etc. have to be transmitted in writing for efficient running of the organization. written communication ensures that everyone concerned has the same information. It may take the following forms:
1)    Reports
2)    Circulars
3)    Magazines
4)    Manuals
5)    Memoranda
6)    Newspapers
7)    Pictures, diagrams, graphs, etc.


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